Saturday, August 31, 2013

I celebrate normal... I have the same battles as you.

normal... exactly what is it?

The dictionary defines normal as follows :
adjective: normal
conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
noun: normal; plural noun: normals
the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
But in fact normal could really be...

An idealistic state of being that remains as such because the idea of such a state varies from person to person or situation to situation, so any set standard is nonetheless someone else's idea of what it is to be normal. There for... normal could be weird or weird could be normal.  
I am not crazy, my normal is just different from yours. 
Phew, glad I got that all out! 

Oh, did I mention that normal changes, and change is normal, so normal is never the same. 
So then I ask again... What is normal? and who even though up the word normal, it's kind of like the word obey... but, my friends, that is a whole other topic that Bill Cosby is probably better at explaining. 

Oh yeah, the Mexican fisherman... I'll get to it, soon, I promise...

Life is simple... enjoy the journey.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Life Is But A Dream... but the memories always linger on

... for this is what memories are made of...

Row row row your boat... 

Gently down the stream...

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream...

Yes it is all but a dream. Take a moment and think about these words...

Row, row, row your boat... do the daily, what ever that may be in your current life.

Gently down the stream... you go about your business per the status quo. Like a sheep, you follow the herd, never veering off the path. You row your boat without making waves.

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily... trying to be happy.

Life is but a dream... the past is nothing but a memory... you can not hold it, touch it, smell it or taste it... just like a dream. 
"75 yrs, it was kinda unreal, dreaming or something,
but it was real, that's all I have to say..."  ~Fred Sobaugh

I saw a piece on the news this morning about a man named Fred Sobaugh. The back story is, Fred had recently lost his wife, Lorraine, a woman who he spent 75 years of his life with. When they met she was working as a car hop. They dated for two years and then married. One evening, not to long after his wife passed away, Fred penned a song to Lorraine. When he saw an ad in the local paper for a song writing contest he sent it in... albeit not according to the rules. You see Fred proclaimed that he is not a musician and he can not sing. Fred did not win the contest, what he did receive was his song, set to music and professionally recorded.

Oh Sweet Lorraine was put together by Green Shoe Studio inc.  you can buy a copy on itunes and the proceeds will go to Fred and his family.

But to me, more even more touching than the song, were two comments that Fred made...

the one above from the interview and the other in the lyrics of the song.

"Oh sweet Lorraine, I don't want to move on..."

 just another wandering thought
...about illusions.

I'll get to the Mexican Fisherman another day...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Split Reality- a stream of consciousness

Big brother, big sister, social media and social sharing. Things have changed, political correctness, racism, gun control, food control, instant gratification, George Zimmerman, Chris Lane, Miley Cyrus on a pole.

Are you over it yet?

We have moved forward in so many ways, we are in the age of technology and damn it moves fast and at the same time we have gone backwards 200 years to an over bearing, corrupt government and inept, bias news media that are doing a pretty good job at controlling what the masses think. Add in social media and the NSA and you will realize that everything you do or say can be or is being watched.

Ponder on that for a moment...

Over 200 years ago some of our forefathers (and mothers) left a country they said was no longer for the people. Are we headed in the same direction? We appear to be.

Where did we go wrong?

Was it when we realized we as individuals could have more, keep up with the Smiths next door, get the bigger house, get the second car, now mommy has to go to work, now no one is home with the kids, buy the kids love with stuff and leniency because you can't spend time with them.  Oh no,I said, pull up your damn pants your name is not Kelvin Cline and your not advertising in my house. Dr. Spock, spare the rod spoil the child. They said done spank them, use time out. Don't let them pick teams for red rover, don't put a red F on his paper, someones little self esteem might be hurt. If Sam wants to be called Sue today and use the girls restroom, you better comply or Al Sharpton and the civil liberty union will be all over you like white on rice!

Now it's his fault or her fault or my bosses fault or the governments fault, but it sure ain't my fault.

I want it now, give it to me, it's mine, mine, mine.

Those of us over 50 remember how it was when we grew up, I don't have to hash out how our parents instilled values in us. So what happened, where did it all go astray...  
...and when are we going to start taking back personal responsibility.


Oh wait, we don't have to because Santa Clause lives in the big white house in Washington DC and he will give me that cell phone that I am too lazy to go out and work for.  I don't need to get a job... Santa has extended unemployment again and he pays almost as much as minimum wage and with food stamps and medicaid, well I can just sit here at home and watch Judge Judy on my 37 million inch free tv.

Yes, but there are a few people who get it, and they are summoning the courage to share their thoughts and feelings.  People like Raymmar Tirado are speaking up and speaking out... Loud enough that Facebook and Twitter have taken notice and are trying to stop him.

And despite their efforts, we are finding each other and one day... We will swing the pendulum the other way.

Little Johnny... you got an F in math.  

Definitely rambling today...  tomorrow ... the story of the Mexican fisherman. life really is quite simple, you will see.

Monday, August 26, 2013 the lines on a page from the life that you made

…in the lines on a page from the life that you made, could you write it with no regrets ~

You made this life, yes you, every second, every moment, every day, and every year. No one else made this life, it was all you.  You made this life with every thought, every hope, every dream and every wish.  You made this life with every question, every answer, every decision and every in-decision.  You made it all and you continue to create it every day that you live.

Do you have any regrets, shoulda, woulda, coulda. Is there any part of it you would change, did you really give it your all, and did you do all the good you could do.  Did you make a difference in someone’s life.

Are you waiting for something, when we have more money …,when the kids grow …, When this, then that…

…in the lines on a page from the life that you made… what do you want the rest of it to say…

I asked my 84 yr old dad "How are you today, Dad" and he said, "Well I was able to sit up and no one was throwing dirt in my face."

You are your own creator, if you woke up this morning it means no one was throwing dirt in your face. You have time, be it a minute, an hour, a day,  so go, go change it, go create it, go do it. Because when it is all over it is only lines on a page from the life that you made.

You have nothing but today, make it a perfect day!