Saturday, October 5, 2013

The blame game... Cut, Cap and Balance, lets try to be adults.

It's not the Democrats. It's not the Republicans. It's not your side or my side. It's the crap that we don't know about. We need to stand together to defeat the monster known as "Pork Barrel".

I read examples of government waste on the internet, things like 2.6 Million dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly, or a million dollar soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo bay, 70 million dollars in bonuses being paid to IRS employees, 7 billion (with a B) dollars worth of military equipment being left behind in Afghanistan. But where does the general public find the evidence of this. Where do we see the appropriations bills. This is the crazy stuff that has to stop.

7 billion dollars worth of military equipment... that will have to eventually be replaced?! Where is the sense in this?

The mainstream media talks about the stuff that they know scares us.  Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, Veterans benefits etc etc.  I don't want to hear about that until you tell me why we are spending 384,949 to study Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia. Do I really need to know how a birds dick has evolved and how it decides to have sex with another bird?!?! Or wait here is a good one, how about the $60,000.00 spent by the IRS for a parody film of Star Trek and a parody film of Gilligan's Island that stared IRS employees. My daughter, Andrea, is a stage actress, can I get $60k for her to do a film... I think not. Let's see then there was $1.5 Million to Brigham and Women's Hospital to study why 3/4 of lesbians in the US are overweight and most gay males are not or 2.7 million to study why lesbians have more vulnerability to hazardous drinking.  Don't misunderstand, I have nothing against gay and lesbian people, I have dear friends of both.  The question is why do we need to study this shit, or spend $505,000.00 to promote specialty hair and beauty products for CATS AND DOGS! But my favorite, $10,000.00 for... wait for it...your gunna love this one... talking urinal cakes. Yes, that is correct, TALKING URINAL CAKES! Oh, that might not count because it was in 2012.   Go check it out some of these for yourself.

 Not only do we need to limit congressional compensation and benefits we need to cut the pork... Congress needs to stop acting like toddlers, stop playing games to get their way and start acting like adults. Things like spending more money shutting down the open air memorial than it costs to leave it open and telling fisherman that they can't fish in the open water of the Everglades National park until the government opens back up is stupid and childish.  Get a grip congress... or we will have to start a movement to convene a 5th amendment convention and oust all of you!

Remember when...

Life was Simple ... we enjoyed the journey.

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