As I said yesterday, I am not a political aficionado, hell, I can't even spell it without spell check. I do the daily just like most of America. With all the BS that has been flying since Obama took office, I have been trying to make the time to better understand what is going on in our government. I find it to be very "heavy stuff". It could easily become a full time job to read, sort and understand all of the information that is available.
So, my main focus these past couple of days has been understanding the federal budget, the government shut down and the waste in our government.
Right now, it is my opinion that, if we cut government waste, we can truly lower taxes. I believe that most Americans feel the same way, but, like me, don't know where the waste really is. I also feel that, cutting waste will cause a chain reaction, both good and bad.
The pros, if we cut waste and lower taxes, individuals and small business will have more money. More money equals more spending and more spending equals more jobs and a better economy. The cons, if we cut out all the BS spending for things like, oh let me see here...2.6 million dollars to teach Chinese hookers to drink responsibly or $175,587 dollars to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage is sexually risky behavior (WTF, yes you read it right), someone will lose a job and some politician will be pissed off because he promised his buddy that he would get it passed if only his buddy would vote on HB 123. This is the bull shit that most Americans don't know about and that we don't need.
Sorry about your luck if you are the ones teaching the Chinese hookers (oh wait, that should say prostitutes) about drinking, your going to have to get a real job.
We have to feel the pain. Yes, I know that is harsh, I know more people will lose jobs. But, when you have already lost your job because the financial system, the one that you trusted, fucked up and the company you worked for ended up shutting down and no one would hire you because you're a female in a male-dominated industry, who is over prime age for the workforce... so you start your own company because there wasn't an unemployment extension,(not that it was enough anyway), and the unemployment you were receiving ran out... then you're told, by the government, that you didn't work your ass off to build your company in the worst economic time since the great depression, the government did... ya, I am a little harsh!
So, as my painter Nick would say, Kiss my ass!Oh, and I have a budget!
Back to the point, I downloaded a copy of the 2013 proposed budget (you can too, just click the link). It is 256 pages long and not really an easy read (so far I am on pg 6)... but I will read on. There appear to be several supplements to read when I am done with the budget. Somewhere along the line I hope to find all the junk spending, the stuff that really does not benefit the American people. When I do, I will make a list for all of you who are doing the daily!
Maybe we should get together and write a budget... or move to the mountains in Utah and prepare for the end of life as we know it.
On another note, from the Washington Examiner...
--At the World War II Memorial on The Mall in Washington, where veterans have been staging protests to keep it open, Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering reports that at least seven officials were dispatched Wednesday morning to set up a ring of barricades to block tourists from the memorial. That is two more than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador.
-- National Park Officials closed down the educational Claude Moore Colonial Farm near the CIA in McLean, Va., even though the federal government doesn't fund or staff the park popular with children and schools. Just because the privately-operated park is on Park Service land, making the federal government simply its landlord, the agency decided to close it.
I add this, The WWII Memorial is a 24-hour open air memorial. The Claude Moore Colonial Farm has been operated for 32 yrs after it was cut from the budget in 1980...
I think our government is playing games with us. I still believe...
Love where you are going Donna! I actaully made some headway yesterday to try to find out what we the people can do to unseat the Washington elite! Very excited will keep on.