Monday, September 30, 2013

Government, Shut it down...We Are A Great People!

From Being American by GO- Facebook page

Yes I can, and according to a vast number of people who commented on the Facebook page where I found this photo a lot of people feel the same way.

I love my Country... I am not happy with my government!  

So what exactly will happen if the government shuts down?  Well I can tell you this, the world will not stop turning and I, like many of you will still get up and go to work on Oct. 1st. and so will many of those who work for the government. 

Contrary to what the propaganda wants you to believe, there will be little effect on our everyday lives as all essential services will continue. Your mail will still be delivered, garbage will still be picked up (unless you live in Washington DC), the court houses will still hold trials, the jails will still hold prisoners and the military will still protect us. The government will continue to collect taxes. Because these are either essential services or they are funded by a stream of money that will not be effected.

Again I ask, what exactly will happen if the government shuts down? Well, lets see, non essential services... some federal employees will be furloughed (think of it as they get an extra holiday). If you remember the last shut down, they were paid retroactively after everything settled down. Furlough = paid holiday. 3/4 or about 1,265 of the presidents 1,701 member staff will be sent home. By the way... the president and vice president are exempt from furlough but of the 90 people who maintain the president's family living quarters, only 15 will continue working to provide minimum maintenance and support.  Yes, the president has a staff of 90 just to maintain the family living quarters. I think he can get by just fine with 15 for a while since most of us don't even have ONE! Oh and the National Parks will close. Remember the sequestration... that already cut white house tours.

I still cant see what vital services that Americans depend on will be shut down.  Oh, there is one, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will be effected. So that gun permit you applied for... it will take a little longer then anticipated.  Ha, since Obama scared everyone with gun control, if you are a proponent of the 2nd amendment, you already have you CCW.   Never mind.  Social Security checks your ask, during the last shut down SSI checks were still sent, although there may be a delay in processing new applications. I think we can deal with that considering they have waited this long to even qualify.

Think back to the Clinton years and when the government shut down. Nothing but a big scare tactic for political maneuvering. The BIGGEST concern I can find is, according to a recent CNN/opinion research poll, 51% of Americans will blame the Republicans if the government closes its doors. This, perhaps, sets up a scenario for influencing the next election.

By the way did you know we have not really had a budget since 2009. You heard me correctly, NO BUDGET PASSED .  The only thing this administration has done is continue to pass appropriation bills to raise the debt ceiling to keep spending money and Obamacare... that goes into effect even if the government shuts down.

Oh, by the way, sorry about your trip to Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, your going to have to figure out a plan B vacation. We need to stop the blame game and feel a little pain if we are going to get things back on the right track.

Lets get back to...

Life is Simple... Enjoy the journey!

Tomorrow... more pumpkin, it's that time of year!

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