Monday, September 16, 2013

These are the good ole' days and jury duty.
You wonder what these two things have in common...
well actually nothing at all.

It just so happens that I have been called for jury duty, yet again. Don't get me wrong, I believe in civic duty, I just wonder how they "randomly" pick the people who are selected to appear for duty. 

You see in the last 15 yrs I have been summoned for jury duty four (4) times. Once I spent two days at the court house and when questioned, was dismissed because I had a teenage son and the case was a statutory rape case. The second time I was picked to sit on a jury for an domestic assault case. The third time, I called the night before and was dismissed without having to show up. Today is my fourth summons.  Bill, on the other hand, has never received a jury summons while living in Florida.

So, how random is random...  I guess I should be the one picking the Lotto numbers!

The other title topic...

Think about it, these are the good ole' days. Why you might ask, because we are making the memories today, that we will cherish tomorrow.

Yesterday, I took Bill by the hand, we went outside and danced naked in the rain...

Damn it was cold rain too!

The places we go, the friends we spend time with... these are what make the memories that become the good ole' days.  Cherish today... make the memories for tomorrow.

Yeah and you thought today was just another day...

Life is simple... enjoy the journey!

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