Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Lost Bounce

Bounce... bounce... bounce , I have lost my bounce

Because that's what Tiggers do!
 I told Bill that I had lost my bounce, you know like Tigger has a bounce because that's what tiggers do. Tiggers are very passionate about their bounce too!
I have had different bounces, I had bounce when I was a mom raising a terrific family, being involved with the PTA, school and sports stuff, I had bounce when I worked in the fire safety industry, I had bounce building houses, I bounced all over, ask anyone who has worked with me. I never remember losing the bounce. I just bounced right on to the next thing to bounce to. But this time, I feel like I have lost that bounce, yes it is true, I have lost it. I tried to find it, I looked here, there and a few other places, but it has been eluding me. Bill even tried to help find my bounce, but as you must know with bounces, no one else can find yours, only you can.

Bill understands, he misplaced his bounce once.  He bounced all over the pharmacy he owned, and then one day he realized his bounce was gone. So, he sold his pharmacy and moved to Florida looking for his new bounce.  You know what... he found it, and when he lost that bounce he found another one and along the way he also found me! I think that is a wonderful thing.

Don, my first husband had bounce.  He had his bounce for a very long time! Sometimes he bounced higher than others, but he stuck with his bounce for 3 decades and that is a long time to do the same type of bounce.  But alas, "they" won't let him bounce that bounce anymore... I guess he is looking for a new bounce too.

So, for now my bounce seems to be gone. Oh, I still try to bounce, just not as high and not as far, and my heart just isn't in it. When you realize that you have lost your bounce, it can be a very sad thing.  I am going to find a new bounce, I know I will, one that will help me bounce higher. I don't know where or when I will find it, but if I keep trying and keep looking... I will find it!  Because tiggers have to bounce, that's what tiggers do! 
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs!
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one
I'm the only me!

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